Tampa Wedding Photographer-Los Angeles Equestrian Center-Alex & Kristen Wedding

Sneaky Peeky–Check out these shots from Alex and Kristen’s BEAUTIFUL Los Angeles Equestrian Center wedding last weekend. Gorgeous couple, inside and out. 🙂

bridal photographybridal photographybridal photographybridal photographybridal photographybridal photographybridal photographybridal photography

Lindsay Jones -

Gorgeous couple, gorgeous photos! I am so excited to come meet you guys in July! Hope we make for such pretty pictures!

What a gorgeous couple!! That dress is pretty amazing as well! Fantastic job on capturing the weeding so beautifully!

Jeff -

Hello from across the pond, Lindsay! 🙂 Oh I know you guys will–can’t wait to meet up in a few months!! C u soon!

[…] of Munaluchi Bride Magazine contacted us after she had seen our sneak-peek blog post of Kristen and Alex’s gorgeous Los Angeles Equestrian Center wedding. We are so honored that they felt our images would perfectly compliment their newly revamped and […]

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