Okay so besides eating too much pie over the holidays and generally sleeping less than is scientifically considered healthy, all in all the K&K Crew had a FANTASTIC holiday season! Now it’s back to business here at the studio, and with more than a handful of BIG projects on the horizon, including a brand new website in the works, blog makeover (including LOOOOOTS of new content and posts) and a full-re-brand–well let’s just say there’s a little bit of magic in the air. 🙂
Speaking of magic, check out this shot from Lisa and Eric’s fantastic fete that just got featured on the Huffington Post Weddings Blog (yeah, we’re excited too…). The article was written by Daniel Maloney, the CEO of BridesView.com, and Lisa and Eric’s images are also displayed on their beautiful website as well. Don’t be afraid to drop some words in the comments section below, and Happy Monday everyone!
St. Petersburg Wedding Photography | Bridal Photographer | St. Petersburg Yacht Club